Hello my people of awoofmovies land,

We are gradually getting to the end of 2015,a year full of twists and turns. In retrospect we have witnessed a lot in Nigeria and globally : suffice to say its been another eventful year.

Power has changed hands,notables have died,conspiracies and hidden loots have magically surfaced for all to see,rule of law is gradually spreading through our nation but globally its been a very gloomy year for many with the bloodlust killings of innocent lives in the name of God.

But in all things we still give thanks to God for the many lives that are spared from these calamities and are living in peace. We thank God for new births (this year i became an uncle again),for Nigeria winning again the U-17 world cup,for emerging new technologies globally and the restoration of work on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway by the sterling man Babatunde Fashola.

With high hopes for a better tomorrow and a prosperous new year to come, we give to you our dose of free movies to prepare you for the festive season just around the corner.....

Enjoy them and like i always say- AWOOF NO DEY RUN BELLE AT TIMES!

"Agbaya Meji" - Latest Yoruba 2015 Comedy Movie 


"Wanted" Blockbuster Action Movie

